You may be wondering who the heck I am!

Hello! My name is Sydney, and I created this website to find others who live busy lives but still want to incorporate reading into them.
This is for the ones who would rather read than go outside and play as kids; the ones who stay up way too late to read “one more” chapter. It’s for those who use reading and books as a way of both coping and escape. And it’s for the ones who love to tell stories or want to physically step into the world they’re reading about! I see you. I’m with you.
I was an avid reader as a kid; I’d much rather spend all of my time in fantasy worlds than experience the real one. I was the kid in class who always had a book in her hand, the quiet one who was the teachers’ favorite but who struggled to make friends. The characters in my books were my friends.
I fell off of reading in high school and the beginning of college. Who has time to read for fun when you have hours and hours of boring homework reading to do? (Yes, I was an honors student, and yes, I did make straight A’s. I am now a recovering perfectionist.)
That changed when the hardest year of my life came barreling in.
I won’t go into details, but I spent my senior year of college isolated and grieving, alone with the black hole of my chest in an apartment that was meant for two. What else was there to do except to escape back into fantasy worlds?
I saw myself in the characters I was meeting: I saw their hurts, their strength, their trials, their resilience. I used reading as a way to pull myself out of the darkest place I’ve ever been. So yeah, this website is for those that get it, who use reading as a way to cope, learn and find their own inner strength.
Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to get started!